Eight million adult Australians struggle with reading and writing.

Future-Bookz are targeted to enhance
everyday reading and writing skills.

Future-Bookz are targeted to enhance everyday reading and writing skills.

The Future-Bookz collection is for readers of all ages with highly engaging written content and imagery.

We use Expert Authors to create up to date exciting content.

Have fun building your project on the foundations of Expert Authors created content by adding you own pictures and words.

Make a book that you can be proud of and share with family and friends.

Australian literacy* for ages 15–64 years was 43.2% of males and 43.9% of females do not have the literacy skills to read a range of everyday reading tasks, which are essential to fully participating in our modern society.

*(the most recent figures) (Report No. 4228.0). 2013 www.abs.gov.au

Need help to build your project?

We suggest  you turn to a Mentor for guidance. Mentors could be a teacher, parent, relative, youth worker or trusted friend.

Mentors do more than only teaching, they often are emancipators freeing learners from poor technique, clouded vision and personal uncertainty.

Mentors do more than only teaching, they often are emancipators freeing learners from poor technique, clouded vision and personal uncertainty.